Welcome to Coolcarrigan House and Gardens

Gardens & Arboretum

Spring in the Gardens

With the coming of spring the excitement in the garden starts. The early scents from Daphne Jaqueline Postill, Daphne Bholua, Viburnum Henryii , Mahonia Aldenhamensis, Osmanthus delavayii get the senses going.

We are then treated to a continuous display of colour and excitement as different trees and shrubs wake up to the new season. Camellias, Magnolias, Prunus, Malus, Pieris, Sorbus, Ameliancher, Embothrium, Aesculus and many others all fight to catch our attention and outperform each other. The various members of their families ensure a wide spread of flowering with examples of Magnolia campbellii Wellingtonia to Magnolia Liliflora Nigra providing flowers from March through until early July. It is probably the best time of year in the garden.

Spring bulbs are another of the highlights of Coolcarrigan. The snowdrops on the main avenue are followed by daffodils and then bluebells. There is a good display of montbretia in late summer. Nearer the house there is a chestnut walk and what we call the wood bed. There is a colourful collection of crocus, aconites, fritillaries , muscari, scillias and anenomes. This is continually being developed and added to all the time.

Spring in Coolcarrigan Gardens
Spring in Coolcarrigan Gardens
Spring in Coolcarrigan Gardens
Spring in Coolcarrigan Gardens
Spring in Coolcarrigan Gardens
Spring in Coolcarrigan Gardens